i'm so excited to be back in the clay studio. over the summer i was thinking about a lot of different things, all relating back to patterns and repetiti
on. for example i love to knit and i've been working on a large project consisting of knitted tubes that resemble a snake after eating. i also thought all about natural forms and currents. i d
idnt make it to the beach much this summer but i've always been interested in the ocean, the animals, the sound and specifically the motion. i love the beauty of crashing waves. ocean currents are really fascinating because they create a very natu
re and intricate pattern! and after the crazy caterpillars started making nests all over, it brought my attention back to cocoons and the odd but awesome process of changing into a butterfly or moth. i really like the idea of making pod/cocoon forms. the idea of understanding or figuring out or just imagining what could be inside this protective forms interests me also.
this semester i want to work on creating cocoon forms and deciding what is important enough to protect in these pods. also i'm going to continue working
on my knitting environment.
over the summer i was looking for inspirational images and found this artist sarah applebaum. she works with fabric in a really fun patch-worky way thats really inspiring.

check her out:
also after researching cocoons i found this really cool artist from the UK named rachel cox.

Since you are interested in the ocean and knitting, you ought to take a look at the Crochet coral reef project. I believe it is coming to DC next year but I do not know when yet. Anywhoo, thought you might find it inspiring.